Friday, February 19, 2016

Don't Look Back

When we go through trials and tribulations it is only human nature to want to run back to the safety of our own comfort zone.  Doing new things, growing into the amazingly awesome beings that God created us to be will take us through some of the roughest days of our lives.  If we want to experience life at the highest levels, we must learn to trust God completely in every area of our lives.

Everything happens for a reason and with purpose. Growing pains come as we enlarge our tents and increase our territories becoming who we were created to be.  As we look back on our lives through the new lenses that living with God provides us, we will see how each step along the path has aligned us with our purpose and reasons of being who we are .  Seeds of greatness were planted in each of us, we simply have to do our part to cultivate them.  This includes walking away from situations that hinder our potential. 

It is easy to linger back into the comfort of the levels in life we have mastered.  However, if we wish to accomplish the reasons of our being here, we must let go and never look back when God frees us from bondage.  As we trust in God to provide for all our needs, we shall rise to be who we really are when we learn to stay free from the shackles of this life. 

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Faith One Day At A Time

Each day is a miracle within itself, yet also comes with its own trials and tribulations. We often get so caught up in the what if's that we fail to celebrate what we have right now. God never promised that the road would be easy, but He did promise to never leave us. By design, The Great I Am knows what we need long before we ever need it and supplies us daily. The bible instructs us to let tomorrow worry about tomorrow for today has its own issues. No need to stress of what we cannot control. Living by faith means to totally let go of our own understanding and to trust in God's provision. If He brought us to it, He certainly will bring us through it. Let's start each day in gratitude for the daily miracles and blessings God showers us with. Once we get into the habit of focusing on the good, God will lead us through whatever comes our way. Know that He is with us, He is for us, He will provide for our every need.